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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 03/12/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 03/12/2024

by Camille Quintos
Sea Turtle on the Bottom of the Sea

Countries urged to ratify UN ocean protection treaty to preserve Galapagos Islands

ENVIRONMENTAL NGO GREENPEACE has urged governments to ratify a UN treaty for ocean protection that would allow a marine preservation area to be created around the famous Galapagos archipelago. Read more here.

Proposed marine conservation area in Northern Ontario could bode well for the rest of Canada’s waters

After years of work by local Indigenous communities and a partnership with the federal government, a vast area off the shores of Northern Ontario is on the precipice of becoming a marine protected area. Read more here.

Canada bans bottom contact fishing to protect its only live pacific coral reef

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has imposed an indefinite ban on all commercial and recreational bottom-contact fishing, including midwater trawling, to protect Canada’s only known live coral reef in the Pacific Ocean. Read more here.

Challenges and opportunities in offshore marine conservation

Challenges and opportunities in the offshore marine conservation field for a woman in her early career. Read more here.

Ottawa celebrates signing a watershed ocean treaty

Canada has signed a landmark global ocean agreement on the first anniversary of the historic document’s creation. Read more here.

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