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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 08/13/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 08/13/2024

by Camille Quintos
Body of Water Near Green Mountain

Conservation groups sue US government to enforce marine mammal protection on imported seafood

“Americans love whale- and dolphin-safe seafood, and U.S. fishers take pride in putting more sustainable food on our tables,” NRDC Director of Global Biodiversity Conservation Zak Smith said in a statement. “ Read more here.

Indonesia announces world’s biggest manta ray sanctuary

Indonesia on Friday instituted the world’s biggest manta ray sanctuary covering millions of square kilometers as it seeks to protect the huge winged fish and draw more tourists to the sprawling archipelago. Read more here.

Need to protect marine areas ‘has never been greater’, ministers say

Ministers have been told they must ‘prioritize sufficient resourcing such that the Scottish Government can deliver these’. Read more here.

Sharks are critical for ocean well-being and must be protected

A new study has found that sharks play a crucial role in maintaining ocean ecosystems, saying that they must therefore be protected. Read more here.

Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk

Marine cloud brightening (MCB), the spraying of sea salt aerosols or other fine particles into clouds to artificially brighten them and increase the sun’s reflectivity, is a proposed strategy to ward off the full effects of climate change. Read more here.

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