Camille Quintos

50 foot fin whale beached, likely dying at Delaware Seashore State Park on Sunday

A crowd of 30 or so people watched the whale from behind caution tape erected by the nonprofit Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute around 2 p.m. Sunday. It thrashed its tail as people quietly urged it on, but made no progress. Read more here.

‘An amazing discovery’: Scientists hit upon first nursery for hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos

The vulnerable shark species – so-called for its elongated head which forms a straighter curve than the scalloped hammerhead – is rarely spotted in the marine reserve. Read more here.

Malaysian scientists save marine mammals by listening to the sounds of the sea

When it comes to biodiversity, Malaysia is one of the richest in the world. Among the bountiful flora and fauna, the country’s waters are home to over 2,000 species of marine life that a group of Malaysian scientists, driven by an unwavering dedication, want to safeguard. Read more here.

It will take 880 years to achieve UN ocean conservation goals, at this rate

He plans to say that ocean conservation has lost momentum toward protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030 and that a lot more needs to be done to address the human dimensions of conservation, including guaranteeing access rights, equity, and justice. Read more here.

Japan’s new whaling ship raises concerns for conservationists

Japanese whaling industry has gained more capacity with the launch of Kangei Maru, a new whaling mother ship that can process tons of whale meat at sea. The vessel is now the world’s only whaling fleet mother ship, owned by Tokyo-based seafood company Kyodo Senpaku. Read more here.