Camille Quintos

Released pygmy sperm whale strands on beach, dies

A pygmy sperm whale that died on Sunday afternoon after washing ashore on a beach in New Taipei City had been released off Keelung earlier that morning, a rescue team said.

Competition empowers students to protect our oceans

The world’s oceans are facing a triple threat of climate change, overfishing and pollution, prompting the need for improved education about how these challenges can be overcome.

Fishy business: EU flashes green money to support Indian Ocean tuna grab

Critics say the bloc is leveraging sustainability aid to block a ban on practices that cause overfishing.

Endangered whales, sharks, hundreds of dolphins spotted in protected waters off Cape Cod

Scientists with the New England Aquarium took a series of pictures over the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument about 150 miles off the coast of Cape Cod.

Plastic drifts as far as it sinks into sea

Discarded or drifting in the ocean, plastic debris can accumulate on the water’s surface, forming floating islands of garbage.

Ocean Conservation News – 05/05/2023

Divers help restore coral reef ecosystem in China’s waters Many people dive into…

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