Camille Quintos

Scientists use a centralized database to study coral reefs

Coral reefs are under a growing great from climate change and human activity

NJ offshore wind funds will pay on whale detection

Gov. Phil Murphy announced Wednesday $2 million for three new offshore wind environmental projects, including the launch of a whale detection buoy, a study on animal diversity in the offshore wind lease areas, and funding to monitor offshore wind’s impacts on New Jersey’s harbor seal population.

Scientists identify 2022 sea urchin killer

A team of researchers has identified a single-celled organism called a ciliate as the cause of a massive die-off event to a marine animal vital to coral reef health.

ASU leads a new wave in ocean research

There are many systems that come together to make a healthy ocean, and many ways that human activities disrupt them.

Wildlife and humankind are alarmingly threatened by plastic debris

The International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates that people produce 300 million tonnes of plastic each year, at least 14 million of which end up in the ocean.