Camille Quintos

Coral reefs benefit from reduced land-sea impacts under ocean warming

New research published in Nature demonstrates that integrating land and sea in coastal ocean management supports the continued persistence of coral reef ecosystems in our changing climate. The study was led by NOAA’s Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and Bangor University in the United Kingdom.

Genomics technology to bolster kelp forest conservation, mitigate climate change impacts

Morris Animal Foundation and Revive & Restore have jointly announced funding for seven new projects focused on genomic sequencing and biobanking to protect and manage wildlife in vital kelp forest ecosystems.

Eco-friendly wines and spirits that are good for the ocean

Founder of Ocean Generation, Jo Ruxton MBE, who produced the award-winning film ‘A Plastic Ocean’ says: “Our aim is to equip people to take action on a daily basis and make choices which have a positive impact – we want everyone to recognise their influence onour ocean.”

Philippines ‘center of the center’ becomes Hope spot

Scuba-diving hotspot Verde Island Passage in the Philippines has been described as the “centre of the centre” of marine biodiversity – and now it has been named a “Hope Spot” by international ocean conservation charity Mission Blue, run by oceanographer Dr Sylvia Earle. The designation is expected to pave the way for additional official protection.

Conservation Trusts unite with first ever Seagrass Festival

Wild Planet Trust have just announced an extraordinary collaboration with Blue Meadows (Ocean Conservation Trust) to host their first ever annual Seagrass Fest.