Camille Quintos

Sea urchin harvest trial bring scientists, traditional owners and fishers together to help save kelp forests

Sea urchins, a native species in NSW, have exploded in numbers, grazing on healthy kelp forests until only an eerie moonscape remains.

Countries gather to thrash out UN, ocean protection treaty

Delegations from hundreds of countries will meet in New York this week in an attempt to hammer out a new legally binding ocean protection treaty that green groups believe will decide whether efforts to safeguard global biodiversity can succeed.

U.N talks to safeguard the world’s marine biodiversity will pick back up this week

United Nations members gather Monday in New York to resume efforts to forge a long-awaited and elusive treaty to safeguard the world’s marine biodiversity.

Why marine protection matters for people and nature

An effectively protected ocean is essential for the health of planet Earth and all its inhabitants.

Mersea oysterman joins Marine Conservation Society in High Court bid

An oysterman has been given permission to start legal action against the Government’s plan which allows water companies to continue dumping sewage into rivers.