29 beached pilot whales dead after mass stranding on Australian Coast; more than 100…
Camille Quintos
Camille Quintos
Camille is a member of the Diving Notes team covering ocean conservations issues.
Loggerhead Marinelife Center celebrates 13th annual ‘Run 4 the Sea’ The event which ran…
The first glow in the dark animals may have been ancient corals deep in…
Coral reef survey highlights urgency for ocean conservation Permanent Secretary for Environment Dr. Sivendra…
Sea turtles treated at SC Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Care Center Ticket and membership sales…
‘Rare’ seahorse found in Cornish Estuary Alicia Shephard, Cornwall Council’s nature recovery officer, spotted…
How countries are using innovative technology to preserve ocean life Vast oceans cover 70%…
$60.8 Million pledged towards protecting the Mediterranean Sea The Prince Albert II of Monaco…
Fisheries Ministry announces Ghana’s first marine protected areas The MPA covers some 700km2 of…
New mapping could help protect one of the most endangered whales Marine researchers have…