Ocean Conservation

Tunisian rehab barge offers hope for vulnerable sea turtles

On a barge hundreds of metres off the Kerkennah Islands in southern Tunisia, a group of students watches intently as Besma, a recovering sea turtle, shuffles towards the water and dives in. Read more here.

Whales and seabirds ‘hit by Scottish government failure to protect seas’

Whales, seabirds and seabeds have been put at risk by Scottish ministers failing to keep promises to protect our seas, campaigners have warned. Eco charity Open Seas issued the damning comments after the SNP government’s own figures showed nearly three quarters of Scotland’s special marine conservation zones are failing to meet their objectives. Read more here.

How one US conservationist work is helping to preserve Chile’s wilderness

The rugged shores and icy forests at the tip of the Brunswick Peninsula in southern Chile are soon to be the cornerstone in a long route of national parks and mountain ranges that extends down through Patagonia. Read more here.

Space junk cleanup should adopt same strategy as ocean conservation, experts propose

Humans like to imagine Earth as a pristine blue marble surrounded by empty space and glowing stars. In fact, though, human space exploration and industrialization has polluted the area around our planet, with the resulting debris known as space junk. Read more here.

Dozens turn up on Brighton beach to oppose dredging license

Surfers Against Sewage and local supporters descended on the beach, to the east of Brighton Marina, on Saturday at 1pm demonstrating against the dumping on dredged sediments in Beachy Head West Marine Conservation Zone. Read more here.