
Ocean Conservation

More than 190 countries sign landmark agreements to halt the biodiversity crisis


More than 190 countries have adopted a sweeping agreement to protect nature at the United Nations’ biodiversity conference in Montreal.

Countries OK historic deal to protect nature


Countries approved a historic deal to reverse decades of environmental destruction threatening the world’s species and ecosystems at a marathon UN biodiversity summit early Monday.

Australia’s false killer whales confirmed as a distinct species


Researchers have gathered enough DNA samples to prove that Northern Australia’s false killer whales are a distinct endemic species not found anywhere else.

Canada to ban certain harmful single-use plastics from this month


Over 1.3 million tonnes of hard-to-recycle plastic waste is expected to be eliminated over the next decade.

Black sea dolphin deaths prompt ecocide allegations against Russia


On Dec. 7, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused Russia of ecocide during COP15, the U.N. biodiversity summit in Montreal, following unprecedented reports of dead dolphins and porpoises washing up on Black Sea beaches since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Ocean Conservation News – 12/19/2022

Protecting and restoring biodiversity in the Canadian marine environment https://finance.yahoo.com/news/protecting-restoring-biodiversity-canadian-marine-192900566.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKjEcZxSDTgMBhCWUdP9ayZjKPa7OUpLEIyXgl9Tbz65O7abRB5Rt1f3VuzjuPMxy7fEpzdWe30AvhkqrE6LODLC84cJAbpAI0C6L3prXNto4FunNXdn9l4vDmC7oVq0pn-FXcP5IRbqHqQ-RyRLSvCMQcb3boFZLOTc-RtcYxBz The Government of Canada…

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