Ocean Conservation

Landmark debt swap to protect Indonesia’s coral reefs

The government of Indonesia announced this week a deal to redirect more than US$ 35 million it owes to the United States into the conservation of coral reefs in the most biodiverse ocean area on Earth. Read more here.

Thailand-China marine conservation enhances biodiversity in South China Sea

Thailand and China have been engaged in extensive marine conservation cooperation since 2021, contributing to improved biodiversity in the South China Sea, said a Thai official on Monday. Read more here.

Celebrating shark awareness day: Understanding and protecting our ocean’s guardians

Hollywood might portray sharks as mindless killing machines, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Sharks come in a staggering variety of shapes and sizes, from the filter-feeding giants like the whale shark to the sleek and speedy blue shark. Read more here.

Oceana Canada celebrates major conservation victory: Underwater mountains off the coast of BC now permanently protected

Canada has designated 133,017km2 of underwater mountains, known as seamounts, off the West Coast of Vancouver Island as its newest and largest Marine Protected Area (MPA). Oceana Canada applauds Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announcement that protects 93% of Canada’s known seamounts, marking a significant step toward preserving marine biodiversity. Read more here.

Rescued and released whale of good condition in Hainan

A member of a marine biodiversity expedition team records data during the expedition in the waters east of Hainan Island, south China, July 7, 2024. A 5-day marine biodiversity expedition held in Hainan concluded on Monday. Read more here.