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Home » How to prevent dry mouth while SCUBA diving

How to prevent dry mouth while SCUBA diving

by Camille Quintos
Scuba Diver Standing Waist Deep in the Water

Maintaining proper hydration is essential for everyone, especially scuba divers as it can prevent a number of health issues which may arise during a dive. Water makes up 60% of the human body, and it is essential for all of the body’s functions to operate correctly.

A dry mouth is a common occurrence for scuba divers throughout their dives. The main cause of a dry mouth while scuba diving is a result of breathing in cold air from the regulator. The transition from high pressure in the tank to low pressure in trip to the regulator causes the air to cool. This cool dry air can lead to increased chances of dehydration and throat irritation. It’s important to take steps to stay well hydrated.

The Effects of Dehydration on Divers

Dehydration can cause a number of other symptoms, potentially reducing diver safety, including:

  • muscle cramping and fatigue
  • increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • headache
  • weakness and exhaustion
  • reduced awareness
  • sleepiness
  • confusion

How to prevent dry mouth while scuba diving:

Drink plenty of water

Make sure you are properly hydrated before diving. Always remember to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially before and after your dive. Just keep drinking water the day before your dive and well past your dive.

Avoid drinking excessive alcohol or caffeine

Steer clear of tea, coffee, and alcohol before diving. Alcohol and caffeine both contribute to dehydration and increase the risk of developing dry mouth.

Eat a banana

Fruits which are high in fructose and vitamins, as well as foods high in minerals, including bananas and mushrooms, are excellent additions to your hydration regimen both before and after diving.

Avoid the sun

In order to further reduce the quantity of water lost through perspiration, it’s important to avoid direct sunlight and to wear protective clothing.

Use Saline Drops or Spray

When scuba diving, saline drops are an excellent way to keep your sinus’ and nasal cavities well hydrated and healthy..

As a diver you should stay alert to the warning signs and symptoms of dehydration, which include urine that is dark in color, dry mouth, and thirst. In cases where you are extremely dehydrated seek medical help.

There are several ways to prevent or minimize dry throat when scuba diving, including drinking enough water, using saline sprays, avoiding caffeine and alcohol. If left untreated, a dry throat can be uncomfortable and perhaps dangerous, so make sure you take precautions ahead of time to keep yourself safe throughout each dive!

Enough preparation and precautions before diving will not only let you have a safe dive but also allows you to relax and have fun while you’re at it. Check out this Infographic to ensure a safe diving experience

Let us hear any of your experiences and recommendations in preventing dry mouth during scuba diving. Leave us a message in the comments section below.

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