Infographic: Dive Safety – Before, During, and After Your Dive

Before the Dive

  • Health Check: Are you fit to dive? Consider recent illnesses, fatigue, hydration.

  • Equipment Check: Inspect all gear, including tanks, regulators, BCD, mask, fins. Here is a Infographic on equipment maintenance that you may find helpful

  • Dive Plan: Discuss the plan with your buddy, including entry/exit points, signals, emergency procedures.

  • Weather and Conditions: Assess water conditions, current, visibility, temperature.

  • Dive Briefing: Listen to and understand the dive leader’s instructions.

During the Dive

  • Monitor Your Gauges: Regularly check air, depth, and time.

  • Buddy System: Stay close and communicate with your buddy.

  • Buoyancy Control: Maintain neutral buoyancy; don’t touch or harm marine life.

  • Navigation: Know how to navigate using a compass or natural features.

  • Enjoy but Respect: Appreciate the beauty but follow conservation guidelines.

After the Dive

  • Surface Safely: Ascend slowly and do a safety stop if needed.

  • Post-Dive Equipment Care: Rinse and properly store your equipment.

  • Log Your Dive: Record details in your logbook.

  • Hydration and Nutrition: Refuel your body with proper food and water.

  • Reflect and Learn: Discuss what went well and what could be improved with your buddy.

Emergency Procedures

  • Know Your Signals: Understand and use universal distress signals.

  • First Aid: Carry a basic first aid kit and know how to use it.

  • Emergency Contacts: Have local emergency numbers available.

  • Dive Insurance: Consider having specific dive insurance for serious incidents.

Keep Learning and Stay Safe!

Updated on: December 05, 2023

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