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Home » Infographic – Equipment Maintenance: A Diver’s Checklist

Infographic – Equipment Maintenance: A Diver’s Checklist

by Camille Quintos

Post-Dive Rituals

Rinse Gear: Use fresh water to remove salt, sand, and chlorine.

Dry Completely:Prevent mold and maintain material integrity.

Store Properly: Keep away from direct sunlight in a cool, dry place.

Mask, Snorkel, and Fins

Inspect for Wear: Look for signs of aging or damage.

Silicone Treatment: Apply silicone drops to maintain flexibility.

Clean with Mild Soap: Remove facial oils and other residue.

BCD (Buoyancy Control Device)

Inflate & Deflate: Check the mechanism’s smooth operation.

Clean Inside: Fill with fresh water and drain to remove contaminants.

Inspect Valves:Ensure they are clean and working correctly.

Regulator & Octopus

Freshwater Soak: Remove salt and other particles.

Check Hoses: Look for cracks, wear, and flexibility.

Annual Service: Recommended for optimal performance.

Dive Computer & Instruments

Battery Check: Ensure adequate charge before each dive.

Update Software: If applicable, ensure the latest version.

Wet and Dry Suits

Inspect Seals: Check for tears or wear.

Clean with Specialized Detergent: Use appropriate cleaning agents.

Store on a Hanger: Maintain shape and prevent creases.

Tanks & Valves

Visual Inspection: Annually by a certified professional.

Pressure Test: Every five years for integrity.

Check Valve Operation: Ensure smooth opening and closing.

Zippers, Buckles, and Clips

Inspect for Damage: Ensure proper functionality.

Lubricate Zippers: With wax or specialized lubricant.

Replace When Worn: For safety and ease of use.

Note: Always refer to manufacturer guidelines for specific equipment care. Regular maintenance prolongs equipment life and ensures safe diving.

Updated on: December 05, 2023

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