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Home » Infographic – Mask Care

Infographic – Mask Care

by Camille Quintos

Preparing a new Mask:

The simplest and safest method for cleaning a brand-new dive mask is to use toothpaste.. Grab some white, non-gel, non-abrasive toothpaste to use to prepare your mask and remove the silicone layer from manufacturing. Apply it liberally inside the mask, covering the entire surface of the glass, and scrub it with your fingers (don’t use anything other than your fingers). After you scrub the inside of the mask let the toothpaste sit for 30 min to 1 hour then rinse it off with clean, fresh water.. Cleaning your new mask is important to lower the likelihood of fogging. Although there are commercial mask cleaning products on the market, toothpaste is a far more affordable option that works just as well.

Combatting Fog: Tips and Tricks


Divers’ masks might still fog even after the chemical protective layer has been removed. Luckily, there is an effective, cheap, and affordable resource for everyone. Your own saliva. While some people might find this gross, it actually works. Spit on the inside of the mask and rub it around with your finger. The goal is to leave a thin layer of saliva on the inside of the glass.

Commercial anti-fog products:

It’s easy to find specialized anti-fog products for diving masks on the market. Many divers find these commercial defogging chemicals to be effective because they are made specifically to coat a mask’s lens. A few drops of the defogging solution should be placed in the mask, which should then be finger-rubbed around before being briefly rinsed with fresh water. Do not wipe off the defog when rinsing the mask because the goal is to leave a thin film of the defogging chemical within.

Baby shampoo:

As an alternative to commercial defoggers, you can baby shampoo. Compared to conventional adult shampoo, baby shampoo is typically hypoallergenic and less irritant to the eyes. Simply spread it around, give it a few minutes to work, and then rinse it off thoroughly with water. Avoid rubbing, as we don’t want the water to remove the film that the shampoo left behind.

Consistent cleaning:

Care and consistent cleaning throughout the time that you are using your scuba diving mask is the rule number one. Cleaning and basic maintenance are necessary to keep the mask clear, prevent it from fogging up, and make it safe to wear underwater.

Updated on: December 04, 2023

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