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Home » Ocean Conservatio News – 05/23/2023

Ocean Conservatio News – 05/23/2023

by Camille Quintos
A Close-Up Shot of a Lionfish Underwater

The threats of lionfish on the Gulf of Mexico

Over the years, lionfishhave become a growing concern along the Gulf of Mexico. Indigenous to coral reefs of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, lionfish are an invasive species in the region that prey on native fish.

Over USD 1 billion in Ecuadorian debt converted to benefit Galapagos marine life

Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso has announced a world-record debt-for-nature swap that will benefit the marine area surrounding the Galapagos Islands.

China’s fishing fleet embroiled in rising tensions with US

Washington has cracked down on Beijing;s vessels over illegal fishing and ‘grey zone operations’ in South China Sea.

5 thing you think you know about killer whales that might actually be wrong

Killer whales, or orcas, are similar to humans in a lot of ways.

Seaweed can mislead scientists about reef health

For decades, scientists have relied on the amount of seaweedat the ocean’s surface as an indicator for estimating the health of the coral reefs below.

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