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Home » Ocean Conservation New – 03/16/2023

Ocean Conservation New – 03/16/2023

by Camille Quintos
Gray Sharks Swimming with Small Fishes

Great white sharks slowly making recovery in Canadian oceans: researcher

After decades of decline, the ocean’s apex predator appears to be making a recovery.

Injured Sea turtles yanked from Boca nature center after employees dismissed

Endangered sea turtles were ordered removed from the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton this week, amid personnel turmoil and accusations of a toxic workplace.

Sunflower Seastar proposed for endangered species act protection, Species have declined 90% from disease, Warming

SAN FRANCISCO— Responding to a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity, the National Marine Fisheries Service proposed today to protect imperiled sunflower sea stars as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

A new international treaty aims to support the protection of the high seas-what will this mean for deep sea mining

On 5 March, the world reached what could well be a turning point for protection of the world’s oceans.

In Sri Lanka and beyond, seagrass key to livelihood, marine habitats

Following a proposal from Sri Lanka, the United Nations declared March 1 as World Seagrass Day, recognizing their importance and creating awareness of this much-overlooked marine habitat.

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