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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 01/04/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 01/04/2023

by Camille Quintos
Humpback Whales Underwater

Birth of 9 calves sparks hope for endangered North Atlantic right whales


Research shows a downward trend in the number of females capable of breeding.

Globetrotters drove down dirt track to jump into Arctic Ocean


A couple who have been globetrotting since 2018 have described how they risked a road trip on the “equivalent of a farmer’s dirt track” to jump in the Arctic Ocean.

Sea Cave adventure to inspire conservation


The Hauraki Gulf Park is the main attraction at the new Sea Cave Adventure zone, a $1.6 million permanent exhibition at Sea Life Kelly Tarlton’s on Auckland’s waterfront.

UBC researchers find microplastics prevalent in Galapagos Islands penguin prey


Microplastics in ‘every color of the rainbow’ are found in samples of prey such as anchovies and milkfish, says UBC researcher Karly McMullen.

New paper explores whales as carbon sinks


The role whales play in reducing carbon in the atmosphere should be considered in climate mitigation efforts, a new scientific paper authored by a coalition of researchers contends.

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