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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 01/04/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 01/04/2024

by Camille Quintos
School of Fish Underwater

9 animal species at the highest risk of extinction

A total of 21 species, including birds, mussels, fish, and one mammal, were officially declared extinct by U.S. scientists this year. Read more here.

Salmon and other migratory fish play crucial roles in delivering nutrients

In the past, Pacific salmon and other anadromous fish that spawn in freshwater and spend part of their life in the ocean likely played a much larger role in global nutrient cycles, scientists find. Read more here.

Climate change: ‘Remembering’ marine heat waves could save coral reefs

Some coral species can be resilient to marine heat waves by “remembering” how they lived through previous ones, research by Oregon State University scientists suggests. Read more here.

Reef restoration project breeds new hope for once-dying marine species in iconic town

A reef restoration project in Belfast has led to the return of oysters to the famed harbor where the Titanic was built. Read more here.

How crowded are the oceans? New maps show what flew under the radar until now

The effort exposed a huge amount of industrial activity that previously flew under the radar, from suspicious fishing operations to an explosion of offshore energy development. Read more here.

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