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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 01/05/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 01/05/2024

by Camille Quintos
A Humpback Whale in Black and White

Endangered right whale calves spotted off Florida Coast

Researchers off the Southeast coast recently spotted two North Atlantic right whale calves, bringing the early season tally to at least eight juveniles of the endangered species sighted during the 2023-24 season. Learn more here.

Rescued spotted seals sent back into the wild

Twenty-three rescued spotted seals were released into the Bohai Sea off Liaoning province on Dec 12 after being trained for release into the wild. Learn more here.

Promising start to sea turtle nesting season ends in disappointment

The record-setting start to 2023’s nesting season was real, but any notion that it would translate into a bumper crop of hatchlings was dispelled by extreme weather events linked to climate change ending in a sad and bleak reproductive cycle. Learn more here.

Galapagos Shark Diving celebrates success of the ‘Name a Whale Shark Contest 2023’

This annual initiative, orchestrated by Galapagos Shark Diving, invites divers to the Galapagos Islands, fostering unique connections with ocean life while actively engaging in vital conservation efforts. Learn more here.

Biden unveils environmental justice strategy for ocean communities

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden unveiled an environmental justice strategy focused on communities dependent on the ocean or marine resources during the United Nations’ Conference of Parties in December 2023. Learn more here.

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