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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 01/11/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 01/11/2024

by Camille Quintos
Sea Lion on Near Seashore during Daytime

Whale watchers stunned by ‘extremely rare’ behavior of Orcas spotted off California Coast

A pod of 10 orcas recently and unexpectedly took up residence in the coastal waters of southern California, treating marine biologists and whale watchers to quite the show. Read more here.

Sea lion pups a fair way from safety

Department of Conservation (Doc) Biodiversity Ranger Jim Fyfe said sea lion Hiriwa was no stranger to the golf course, having given birth to three previous pups at Chisholm. Read more here.

Elephant seals an increasingly common sight in B.C waters

The Saanich seal, who was tagged as a pup in a colony south of San Francisco, was also spotted in April and May off the coast of the U.S. Read more here.

Conservationists to kayak from Brac to GC to raise cash

They will cover around 96 miles (155km) from Spot Bay to East End during a three-day weather window between 2 and 4 February to raise money to buy land for a nature park on the Brac. Read more here.

Wide-ranging fish petitioned for Endangered Species Act Protections

The Center for Biological Diversity and 10 partner organizations petitioned NOAA Fisheries today to list the Alabama shad as an endangered species. Read more here.

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