
Ocean Conservation News – 01/17/2024

Photo by Elianne Dipp from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/underwater-photography-of-a-stingray-4696778/

Ocean life advocates demand action for endangered right whales

Both local and international ocean conservation advocates are demanding action after a right whale calf was spotted off the coast of South Carolina with life-threatening injuries consistent with a boat strike earlier this month. Learn more here.

Sockeye Salmon are growing faster due to climate change

Climate change has tipped the scales, causing juvenile sockeye salmon in B.C. to grow bigger over the past century. Learn more here.

These satellite maps reveal rampant fishing by untracked ‘dark vessels’ in the world’s oceans

By harnessing satellite imagery, GPS data and artificial intelligence, the team uncovered rampant, unregulated activity on the high seas, including untracked fishing vessels and a spike in offshore energy development. Learn more here.

How citizen science is saving our seas

‘Marine recreation with a purpose’ sees marine sports enthusiasts working with scientists and engineers to contribute to global efforts like the UN’s Ocean Decade goals. Learn more here.

New research on microbes expands the known limit for life on Earth

Stanford study on microbes in extremely salty water suggests life may survive conditions previously thought to be uninhabitable. Learn more here.

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