
Ocean Conservation News – 01/19/2024

Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/underwater-plants-4043956/

Study identifies priority areas for conservation of endangered crustacean in Brazil

Hundreds of Johngarthia lagostoma land crabs descend steep rocky trails from the upland peaks to the shore, where they mate and release larvae into the ocean. Read more here.

Sea otters prevented CA kelp forest decline, study finds

This finding reinforces the importance of conservation and recovery of the threatened southern sea otter and highlights a potential nature-based solution for restoring kelp forests along the California coast, and perhaps beyond. Read more here.

The legendary ocean explorer protecting ‘ Hope Spots’ around the world

Reasons to Be Cheerful profiles Sylvia Earle, a pioneer of both deep sea diving and ocean conservation, who has made it her mission to protect the ocean’s biodiversity, one spot at a time. Read more here.

The environmental NGO behind Palau’s plan to shrink its massive marine sanctuary

The Nature Conservancy’s role in the government move to reopen an ocean reserve to industrial fishing highlights the global debate over how to aid Pacific island nations imperiled by climate change. Read more here.

Dangers of ocean warming should not be underestimated

It is unacceptable that the Earth’s oceans — vast expanses of water that have long been considered the heartbeat of our planet — are currently undergoing a profound transformation. Read more here.

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