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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 02/06/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 02/06/2024

by Camille Quintos
Fishing Vessel on Sea

Study shows abundance and importance of the ocean’s tiniest inhabitants

Tiny plankton—measuring less than 20 µm (or 0.02 mm) in diameter—make up the majority of plankton in the ocean and play a critical role in the planet’s health, according to new research. Read more here.

New report uncovers well-intentioned policies to protect iconic animals have severely backfired

Well-intentioned laws meant to curb the poaching of sharks for their fins may have actually unwittingly increased the killing of these ocean superpredators, according to new research. Read more here.

The game changing satellite tool fighting ocean pollution

This high-tech solution is setting new standards in the battle against ocean Pollution, offering a fresh pair of eyes in the sky to track down oil spills and the culprits behind them with unprecedented precision. Read more here.

Maritime leaders urge collective action for Indian ocean sustainability

Key maritime sector stakeholders and experts emphasized on collaborative and collective efforts to enhance sustainability, security, ocean conservation and maritime law to meet evolving challenges while harnessing emerging opportunities in the vibrant maritime region of the Indian Ocean. Read more here.

How sea otters are saving California’s coasts

The reintroduction of sea otters in Central California significantly slows erosion, offering a promising, low-cost approach to coastal ecosystem conservation. Read more here.

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