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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 02/12/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 02/12/2024

by Camille Quintos
Underwater Photography of Marine Animals

Turtle conservation efforts harm reptiles: Research

A recent local study found that exposing some conserved sea turtle eggs to predators could help stabilize Orchid Island’s (Lanyu, 蘭嶼) ecosystem, the National Museum of Natural Science said in a statement on Monday. Read more here.

Pakistan bucks global trend with 30-year mangrove expansion

In Pakistan, by contrast, mangroves expanded nearly threefold between 1986 and 2020, according to a 2022 analysis of satellite data. Read more here.

Plankton, tiny ocean creatures, are absolutely critical to life on Earth

Recent research has shed light on the pivotal yet often underestimated role that tiny ocean plankton, measuring less than 0.02 millimeters in diameter, play in maintaining the health of our planet and life on Earth. Read more here.

Scientists point the way to advance conservation and restoration of seagrass meadows

In a new study, an international team of academics have identified the most important questions that must be answered in order to advance the conservation and restoration of seagrass meadows in Europe. Read more here.

Environmental advocates encouraged by lawmakers move to ban release of balloons

Balloons pose a serious danger to wildlife, including marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles, according to the Ocean Conservation Society. Read more here.

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