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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 02/16/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 02/16/2024

by Camille Quintos
Black and White Photography of Diver and Whale

New research reveals New York Bright is an important year round habitat for endangered fin whales

This new research provides valuable information that can be used to inform best practices and develop effective management strategies needed to protect endangered fin whales better. Read more here.

Red Sea’s hidden wonders revealed at Riyadh forum

The Saudi National Center for Wildlife has hosted a symposium on the outcomes of the Red Sea Decade Expedition, which led months of research into the habitat’s biodiversity and hidden wonders. Read more here.

Scientists create new map of the world’s coral reefs

Using satellite technology and sophisticated machine learning, a team led by marine experts in Australia have created new maps of the world’s coral reefs. Read more here.

Legislation to allow for sea sanctuaries advances

The bill says that regulatory authorities would be authorized to create maritime sanctuaries consisting of core, buffer and sustainable-use zones, subject to various levels of protection. Read more here.

Petition seeks to protect leatherback sea turtle habitat in Puerto Rico

Conservation groups filed a legal petition today urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to revise protected critical habitat for the leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) under the Endangered Species Act. Read more here.

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