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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 02/19/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 02/19/2024

by Camille Quintos
Whale in blue depth of ocean

New study shows New York, New Jersey seascape is full of fin whales

Endangered fin whale is the second largest animal on Earth. At 75 feet long and weighing 100,000 pounds, research shows they often live into their 90s. Read more here.

Water conservation efforts in environmentally conscious yacht shipyards

Initiatives to conserve water at ecologically conscious shipbuilding yards for yachts. Read more here.

Saudi Arabia is becoming a global leader in marine conservation

These efforts are now guided by the many discoveries made by the Red Sea Decade Expedition — a collaborative involving the National Center for Wildlife, King Abdulaziz University, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, NEOM, Red Sea Global and OceanX. Read more here.

Pitcairn Islands lead UK’s ocean conservation effort

The islands are at the centre of one of the world’s biggest, most successful marine protected areas (MPAs), an oceanic nature reserve three-and-a-half times the size of the UK and a glittering example of how to do ocean conservation well. Read more here.

Another death of critically endangered North Atlantic right whale renews calls for shipping regulations

An unusually high mortality rate for the species has been in effect since 2017. Read more here.

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