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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 02/23/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 02/23/2023

by Camille Quintos
Crayfish on Sand Macro Photography

How undersea cables may affect marine life


ens of thousands of miles of cables crisscross our deep seas, ferrying data between continents and carrying renewable power from offshore energy platforms to the land.

Australia to make area the size of Germany a marine park in Southern Ocean


Plan to triple size of Macquarie Island protection zone to shield ‘remote wildlife wonderland’.

Newly discovered sea creatures had to be ‘burped’ to get back home, researchers says


Researchers observed the previously undocumented cephalopods off the coasts of Fiji, American Samoa and Vanuatu, according to the study.

How AI can help protect whales from wind farm boom


Fatal collisions have decimated the right whale population in recent years as climate change alters their migration patterns.

Jane Fonda delivers 5.5 million signatures calling for a Global Ocean Treaty


As the fifth, and hopefully last, round of UN Ocean Treaty negotiations resumed, Jane Fonda delivered 5.5 million signatures from 157 countries calling for a strong Global Ocean Treaty to the president of the negotiations Rena Lee.

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