
Ocean Conservation News – 02/29/2024

Photo by Александр Прокофьев from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/view-of-ocean-during-golden-hour-561463/

How to shield marine animals from climate change

“Ten years from now, what you thought you were protecting is not there anymore because they moved [due to climate change],” says Adrian Munguia-Vega, a marine biologist at the University of Arizona. Read more here.

Pew Fellowship Awards 2024: Pioneering marine conservation projects across the globe

Meet the 2024 Pew Fellows in marine conservation and explore their innovative projects aimed at protecting our oceans. From coral reef resilience to combating illegal fishing, these researchers are at the forefront of marine conservation efforts. Read more here.

Fish conservation does not have to mean neglecting people

These designated zones, where fishing activities are regulated or prohibited, aim to support marine biodiversity recovery. Read more here.

Protecting fish and communities should be balanced, concludes study of marine protected areas

With fish stocks declining globally, more than 190 countries recently committed to protecting about one-third of the world’s oceans within Marine Protected Areas (or MPAs) by the year 2030. Read more here.

A week dedicated to ocean protection in Monaco

Ocean preservation will be the focus of the 7th Monaco Ocean Week. Organised by the Prince Albert II Foundation, along with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, the Monaco Scientific Centre and the Monaco Yacht Club, the week will kick off with the 15th Monaco Blue Initiative. Read more here.

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