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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 03/01/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 03/01/2023

by Camille Quintos
Gray and Silver School of Fish Underwater Photography

Georgia Sea Turtle Center founder retires after nearly 15 years

Norton, who envisioned the center years before it was a reality, will step away from his leadership position March 1 and retire to pursue new career opportunities.

Scrapping highly protected marine areas ‘disappointing’ say campaigners

Conservation groups are “disappointed” at the Government’s decision to designate only three of the five suggested highly protected marine areas (HPMAs), scrapping plans for one in favour of the local fishing industry.

Blue whale foraging and reproduction are related to environmental conditions, study shows

A new study of New Zealand blue whales’ vocalizations indicates the whales are present year-round in the South Taranaki Bight and their behavior is influenced by environmental conditions in the region.

Paying fishers to ease off sharks and rays is cost effective conservation

Paying fishers in Indonesia to not catch sharks and rays could be a cost-effective way of conserving these species, a new study suggests.

Climate experiment to dump minerals in Cornish Sea to absorb carbon

The pioneering scheme by Planetary Technologies is designed to remove CO2 from the atmosphere by increasing the alkalinity of the water.

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