Ocean Conservation News – 03/05/2024

Photo by Jiří Mikoláš from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/bright-exotic-anemonefish-swimming-in-aquarium-4593104/

Fishing nets with lights safeguard sea turtles, study shows

Every year an estimated 40,000 green and loggerhead turtles are killed after being accidently caught in fishing nets (known as “bycatch”) throughout the Med. Read more here.

Study of 1M fish bolsters case for protecting ocean habitat

The study, published Thursday in the journal Science, used baited underwater video stations to measure the size of 823,849 fish from 1,460 species from 2006 to 2020. Read more here.

Ottawa celebrates signing a watershed ocean treaty

Canada has signed a landmark global ocean agreement on the first anniversary of the historic document’s creation. Read more here.

A deep dive into the ocean’s midwater: The urgent call for pelagic fish conservation

In the vast, open waters of our planet’s oceans, a silent crisis brews beneath the waves. Recent research has cast a spotlight on a group of marine inhabitants often overshadowed by their seabed-dwelling counterparts: pelagic fish. Read more here.

Marine conservation sets apart Thai resort that played a role in the revival of Maya Bay

Among the species to have benefited from the SAii Phi Phi Island Village Resort’s marine biologists are bamboo sharks and clownfish. Read more here.

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