Ocean Conservation News – 03/08/2024

Photo by Jess Loiterton from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/modern-boat-floating-on-blue-sea-4321796/

Rising slaughter of small whales and dolphins threatens ocean balance

Many regions report increased catches driven by demand for dolphin meat as food and shark bait in areas impacted by economic crisis and dwindling fish stocks. Read more here.

Fauna and Flora expands marine conservation portfolio by over 5o percent

As part of the expansion of its marine conservation efforts, the charity – which takes a partnership-led approach to conservation – is supporting over 20 locally-led marine conservation organizations to improve project delivery skills and establish the capacity and structure needed to sustain long-term, locally-driven conservation activity. Read more here.

Inaugural event focused on Indigenous Pacific conservation

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa will host the inaugural Eleanor Sterling Memorial Lecture, which will focus on discussions involving the Indigenous transformation of environmental conservation in the Pacific. Read more here.

Canada shuts Pacific’s sole live coral reef to all fisheries

This indefinite closure came into effect on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Read more here.

Mumbai coast to have artificial reefs

Reefs provide a win-win solution that serves the environment by creating carbon sinks and by increasing biomass, they provide more fishing opportunities to coastal communities. Read more here.

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