Singapore’s role in marine conservation protecting the coral reef of Southeast Asia
With its strategic location and commitment to environmental sustainability, Singapore is leading the charge to protect these vital ecosystems, essential not just for marine life, but for coastal communities across Southeast Asia. Read more here.
Scientists identify more than 800 new species in Global ocean census
The Ocean Census project has identified 866 new marine species, many from the deep seas, less than two years since its launch. Read more here.
Why coral reefs are disappearing
Coral barrier reefs are notoriously beautiful due to their vibrant colors and majestic structures teeming with life. But while these important underwater havens provide a paradise for snorkelers and fishermen, they are actually disappearing rapidly. Read more here.
Snorkel Day at Gisborne marine reserve draws 100 plus
More than 100 people got up close and personal with Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve at Pouawa in a special event held as part of Seaweek. Read more here.
Chewing gum is plastic pollution not a litter problem
Thousands of tonnes of plastic pollution could be escaping into the environment every year … from our mouths. Most chewing gum on sale is made from a variety of oil-based synthetic rubbers – similar to the plastic material used in car tyres. Read more here.