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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 03/19/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 03/19/2024

by Camille Quintos
Macro Image of Sea Critters and Reef Fish

First government-linked company to involve in saving reefs

Its general manager (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) Ag Ahmad Zaki Abu Bakar said it is an effort to open up space for more GLCs to be equally aware of the importance of being involved in efforts to preserve and conserve nature. Read more here.

AI making waves in marine data collection

Numerous measurement stations around the world provide us with data about air quality, allowing us to enhance it. Although we are increasingly collecting data from marine areas, access to such data is considerably more challenging. Read more here.

Sea turtle nesting season arrives along Florida’s coast

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has issued a reminder that sea turtles are starting to nest on the state’s beaches. Read more here.

How a community can protect marine life in Kenya

The rich biodiversity of Kenya’s coastal ecosystems faces rapid population growth, illegal fishing, habitat degradation, and the looming threat of climate change. Marine megafauna like sea turtles and dolphins are some of the victims. Read more here.

A coral superhighway in the Indian Ocean

New research has revealed that, despite being scattered across more than a million square kilometers, remote coral reefs across the Seychelles are closely related. Read more here.

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