Ocean Conservation News – 03/20/2023

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-killer-whales-luring-on-lake-289324/

Sharks washed up on Cape shore after Orca feeding frenzy less of a threat than knock-on ecosystem damage caused by humans- marine biologist


Last month, 20 sevengill shark carcasses washed up on Pearly Beach, catching the attention of the public.

Endangered zebra sharks to be released back in the ocean in first ever international ‘re- wilding’ efforts


An international effort to rebuild shark populations officially has begun.

Pacific at risk from marine invasive species.


James Nikitine, who founded Blue Cradle in 2020, said species of algae, mollusks and worms could travel around the world and “invade local ecosystems” by hitching a ride on the bottom of ships.

Opinion/Solutions: New oceans treaty holds hope for limiting global warming.


Conservationists and scientists are hopeful that the new high seas treaty, agreed upon in New York on March 4, will end ecological lawlessness by protecting marine biodiversity through future policies that will also protect the planet’s climate.

8th Annual Ocean Conference raises $20 Billion, and Pledges for marine protection.


International delegates attending the eighth annual Our Ocean Conference in Panama March 2-3 have pledged billions to protect the world’s oceans.

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