Ocean Conservation News – 03/20/2024

Photo by Jeremy Bishop from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-swimming-in-the-ocean-7866233/

Coastal communities lead successful marine conservation efforts

A new report highlights the importance of communities in conserving and managing resources, and their collective contributions to building healthy and resilient coastal ecosystems. Read more here.

Rarely seen ‘blue dragons’ are disrupting spring breakers beach plans

The beautiful ‘blue dragons’ sweeping beaches look like magical Pokemon – but experts warn travelers to stay away. Read more here.

Biodiversity in European sea threatened by global warming, experts say

A new international study, led by the Basque technology centre AZTI, with the participation of 39 experts from around the world and funding from the European Union through the FutureMARES project, now warns of changes in the biodiversity of European seas and oceans as a result of steadily rising temperatures. Read more here.

Characterizing salps as predators of marine microbes

A huge fraction of global flows of carbon and other nutrients passes through marine microbes, little is known about their causes of death—information that in many cases determines where those nutrients will go. Read more here.

Scientists discover how whales can sing underwater and how shipping noise can disrupt communication

A discovery on how baleen whales are able to sing under water is giving scientists a better understanding on how noise pollution from shipping activity can alter marine mammal’s ability to communicate — and therefore thrive as a species. Read more here.

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