Ocean Conservation News – 03/21/2023

Photo by Elliot Connor from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/stingray-on-water-12999375/

France ordered to curb mass dolphin deaths in fishing nets


France’s highest administrative body has ordered the government to better protect endangered dolphins and porpoises in a French industrial fishing hub in the Atlantic Ocean.

500 Baby Sharks to be released in unprecedented rewilding of the ocean


Protections of sharks and rays around Raja Ampat in Indonesia, one of the richest tropical marine environments known to man, have already allowed populations of these ancient creatures to rejuvenate.

Historic high seas treaty brings new hope to global marine conservation


After two weeks of negotiations, delegates of the United Nations reached a historic agreement this week to protect marine biodiversity in international waters. This treaty would place portions of the world’s oceans, known as the “high seas,” into protected areas and allocate more money for marine conservation.

These Sea Stars are literally wasting away – but they may soon receive protection


Sunflower sea stars have been recommended for Endangered Species Act protection as disease leads them to “disintegrate into gooey masses”.

Oil Spill in the Philippines reaches biodiversity rich Verde Island


An oil spill in the Philippines has reached the shores of an island in one of the most diverse marine habitats in the world, officials said on Monday.

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