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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 03/27/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 03/27/2023

by Camille Quintos
Man in Black Diving Suit Diving on Water

Uruguay’s new offshore E&P leases overlap proposed marine parks

Experts are perplexed that areas designated priorities for protection overlap with offshore oil concessions.

How the new High Seas Treaty affects ocean conservation in emerging markets

The UN High Seas Treaty marks the first international treaty on ocean protection in 40 years.

Unchecked climate change puts Canada’s west coast in hot water

Last year was the hottest on record for the ocean, an upward trend only expected to continue as it wreaks havoc on coastal communities and spurs irreversible losses to marine ecosystems.

Don’t scrap marine conservation plans, say environmental organizations

MORE than 40 environmental organisations have called on the SNP leadership candidates not to scrap plans that would improve the protection offered to wildlife in Scotland’s waters.

Government funded deep sea mining research vessel challenged by Indigenous activists

Greenpeace International has challenged a UK Royal Research Vessel in peaceful protest as it returned to Costa Rica from a 7-week long expedition to areas of the Pacific Ocean targeted for deep sea mining.

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