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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 03/28/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 03/28/2023

by Camille Quintos
Yellow and Black Fish in Close Up Photography

Damage caused by deep seabed mining wound be extensive and irreversible, reveals update report


A new report published by Fauna & Flora reveals growing evidence of the risks associated with deep-seabed mining—including that its negative impacts are likely to be extensive and irreversible.

‘Manta grid’ provides a ray of hope against industrial bycatch threat


Fishers are working with conservationists to return the rays, which are slippery and can weigh as much as a small car, back into the sea when are they brought on deck in fishing nets.

Microplastics in oceans increase as U.N signs oceans treaty


The worldwide production of plastic has increased rapidly over the past two decades, and there are now an estimated 82 to 358 trillion plastic particles floating in the top 12 inches of the world’s oceans, or an estimated average of 21,000 pieces of ocean plastic for each one of the 8 billion people on earth.

India supports marine protected areas in Antarctica to conserve ocean life


India will continue to support setting up two Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in Antarctica to protect marine life and its ecosystem services, Jitendra Singh, Union minister of state (independent charge) for science and technology and earth sciences, told Down To Earth (DTE) on March 27, 2023.

John Burton:Indian Ocean dFAD measures ‘do not sound death knell for EU fleet’


John Burton, the chairman of the largest importer of pole-and-line tuna to the UK and co-founder of the IPNLF, has defended proposals recently adopted by the IOTC.

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