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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 04/03/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 04/03/2024

by Camille Quintos
A Woman Swimming Under Water

Humpback Whale freed fishing rope after dangerous rescue operation

A humpback whale known to locals as “Ivy” was freed on Sunday after being trapped in fishing ropes in Cornwall’s Mounts Bay, at the southwestern tip of the United Kingdom. And miraculously, both the whale and rescue crews were unharmed in the operation. Read more here.

Hidden heroes in peril: Seagrass Meadows face extinction threat

A team of experts from James Cook University has issued a stark warning, indicating that without swift and decisive action, these fragile habitats could face devastation. Read more here.

Upside down sea turtle still alive after being found by Florida beachgoers

A stranded juvenile green sea turtle is on the mend after being found upside down Wednesday morning in Daytona Beach, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Ponce Inlet Marine Science Center. Read more here.

Uk government to be taken to court for allowing overfishing

Blue Marine Foundation, a charity dedicated to restoring the ocean to health, has launched legal proceedings against the UK government and its decision to set fishing opportunities, for more than half of UK fish stocks, at levels exceeding scientific advice. Read more here.

Dolphins play crucial roles in Chesapeake Bay ecosystem

Years ago, dolphin sightings weren’t as common in the Chesapeake Bay. But since they started DolphinWatch – a citizen science program – in 2017, more than 13,000 users have helped them record over 3,500 verified dolphin sightings. Read more here.

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