Ocean Conservation News – 04/06/2023

Photo by May Law from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-fish-on-sea-anemone-4702376/

Warming Arctic draws marine predators northwards


Marine predators have expanded their ranges into the Arctic waters over the last twenty years, driven by climate change and associated increases in productivity.

Two Oceans Aquarium return its famed ragged tooth shark to ehr ocean home


Two Oceans Aquarium works hard to preserve ocean life to ensure that animals such as sharks aren’t perceived as scary through a ‘catch and release’ conservation programme.

Deep sea mining vital to climate action, deadly to oceans


Currently, there is no internationally agreed code for mining under the ocean. After two weeks of negotiations ending on March 31, however, the International Seabed Authority has now decided that companies can apply from July to mine the ocean floor.

Mackerel no longer a sustainable seafood due to overfishing


The Marine Conservation Society has downgraded northeast Atlantic Mackerel from green to amber in its Good Fish Guide.

Maps of sharks’ journeys shows protected areas alone wont save them


A team of scientists has monitored the movement of 47 silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) tagged with satellite trackers in the Galápagos Marine Reserve off Ecuador.

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