
Ocean Conservation News – 04/10/2024

Photo by Jeffry Surianto from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-fish-swimming-underwater-9015517/

Islanders asked to document seaweed and shark eggs

Two marine “citizen science” projects will challenge volunteers to survey 14 species of seaweed as well as varieties of shark egg cases, known as Mermaid Purses. Read more here.

Artist Guy Harvey reflects on art, racing, conservation at One Daytona

When the name Guy Harvey is mentioned, visions of marlins, mahi mahi, sharks and tuna swimming in vivid, deep-blue waters come to mind, along with tropical places like Jamaica, the Caiman Islands and Bahamas. Read more here.

How a community can protect a marine life in Kenya

The rich biodiversity of Kenya’s coastal ecosystems faces rapid population growth, illegal fishing, habitat degradation, and the looming threat of climate change. Marine megafauna like sea turtles and dolphins are some of the victims. Read more here.

‘Public needs greater access to refillable products’ finds marine conservation report

The use and availability of refillable products need to be promoted more if seas are to be protected from plastic pollution, according to the Marine Conservation Society. Read more here.

Loggerhead Marinelife Center partners with Sailfish Brewing Company on ocean conservation

Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC) is proud to announce its new partnership with the Sailfish Brewing Company to expand ocean conservation efforts. Read more here.

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