Ocean Conservation News – 04/19/2024

Photo by Tholaal Mohamed from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/unrecognizable-woman-snorkeling-underwater-7903871/

Fisheries Ministry announces Ghana’s first marine protected areas

The MPA covers some 700km2 of biodiversity-rich coastal waters. The communities will manage and implement the protected area, slated for formal establishment in 2026. Read more here.

More progress needed on ocean protection, Oregon State scientists tell global conference

World governments and other leadership bodies are taking vital steps to protect the ocean but more progress is urgently needed, Oregon State University scientists reported today at the eighth Our Ocean Conference in Athens. Read more here.

Greece becomes first European country to ban bottom trawling in marine parks

The law will come into force in national parks within two years and in all of the country’s marine protected areas by 2030. Read more here.

How marine conservation startups are saving our oceans

Ocean temperatures have been increasing in recent years, causing significant harm to coral reefs worldwide. This has led to the fourth global mass coral bleaching event, according to the UK National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Read more here.

A bottom trawl ban in marine protected areas would be good for everyone

The damage caused by trawling and dredging in marine protected areas (MPAs) should not be underestimated. Read more here.

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