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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 04/24/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 04/24/2024

by Camille Quintos
Close-up of a Clownfish Swimming on the Background of Coral Reef

‘Rare’ seahorse found in Cornish Estuary

Alicia Shephard, Cornwall Council’s nature recovery officer, spotted the long-snouted seahorse during a lunchtime walk at a location not being disclosed to protect the species. Read more here.

Commonwealth ministers meet in Cyprus to safeguard the oceans

Leaders from 28 countries gathered in Limassol to commit to protecting and managing vital marine ecosystems around the world. Read more here.

Fisherman again criticize ocean management consultation

The Fishermen’s Association of Bermuda has voiced “grave concerns” over the independent panel process for consultation on marine conservation and the blue economy. Read more here.

Marine conservation efforts highlighted at the San Francisco’s Aquarium of the Bay for Earth Day

On Earth Day, the Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco showcased marine conservation initiatives. Read more here.

Turkiye hosts inaugural events on ocean action, climate crisis

Costa Rica’s ambassador to Türkiye highlights his country’s advanced work in ocean matters. Read more here.

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