Ocean Conservation News – 05/17/2023

Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/anonymous-travelers-diving-and-sightseeing-underwater-aged-buddha-statue-5289884/

Light pollution from coastal cities can damage coral reefs


Coral reefs suffer as a result of climate change. When the water is too warm, coral will expel certain algae that lives in their tissues, turning it white.

Making proactive efforts to preserve ecosystems for future generations


From engaging in coral replanting projects to capping the number of participants per dive, conservationists and divers are doing all they can to ensure the preservation of coral reefs in Malaysia.

International experts meet in Santos, Brazil to discuss the next global assessment of the state of the ocean


Researchers from 27 countries participated in a United Nations workshop as part of preparations for the Third edition of the World Ocean Assessment, with emphasis on developing capacities to communicate across the science-policy interface.

Fisheries: Agreement reached on sustainable management of Bigeye Tuna in the Indian Ocean


The 27th annual meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), that took place from 8 to 12 May 2023 in Mauritius, delivered some important results for sustainable fisheries in the Indian Ocean and concluded in the adoption of 9 important conservation and management measures.

Rugby Museum on course for evening of ocean adventure


Rugby Art Gallery and Museum (RAGM) will host fun, creative activities for the whole family on the evening of Friday May 26 – featuring a guest appearance from Ocho, a giant inflatable octopus.

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