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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 06/01/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 06/01/2023

by Camille Quintos
Close-up Photo of a Blue Tang Fish

More funding to protect marine life


The federal government is setting up the framework for better environmental protection, but it’s not enough, according to the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

Australia’s coral reefs in hot water despite 50 years of research


https://wwwThe Australian Museum 2023 Talbot Oration: Coral Reefs in Hot Water Celebrating 50 years of the AM’s Lizard Island Research Station

A view of Cape Town’s coastal waters from above exposes the plastic and sewage pollution in the ocean


With regards to the plastic pollution, he notes that there is some incredible work being done to limit the flow of plastic into the ocean, but plenty is still getting through.

MSC Cruises announces environmental awareness partnership


MSC Cruises and MSC Foundation have announced an innovative partnership with NatureMetrics, the pioneering nature intelligence and environmental DNA specialists.

Return of sea sand exports spark controversy in Indonesia


While miners welcomed the decision, environmentalists have slammed the policy, warning that it will lead to an increase in sand extraction, which they say will be detrimental to coastal dwellers dependent on ocean ecosystems.

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