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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 06/02/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 06/02/2023

by Camille Quintos
Scuba Divers with Equipment Underwater

Byron bay waters critical for ocean health, need protection

The waters off Byron Bay have been added to an international list of unique areas critical to the health of our oceans that need more protection known as Hope Spots.

New index identifies marine reserves that are protected in theory only

Marine protected area (MPA) status doesn’t guarantee that conservation efforts are effective, according to new research that looks at the de facto situation of preserved areas around the world.

Seabed mapping project helping to protect seagrass in Channel Islands

The Protect Our Beds campaign uses a navigational app to show areas of eelgrass to avoid while anchoring.

Dozens of species observed in three hour deep sea survey of Wallaby-Cuvier Escarpment

Scientists are delighted with the diversity of species observed deep in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Western Australia.

Marine fish are moving towards the poles due to climate change

Analyzing the breadth of current world-wide data on marine fish changes in recent years, researchers from the University of Glasgow have revealed how fish populations across the Earth’s oceans are responding to rising sea temperatures.

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