Ocean Conservation News – 06/09/2023

Photo by Scott Platt from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sunrise-on-horizon-over-atlantic-ocean-15916211/

Noise Pollution serves as a major threat to marine wildlife


Noise pollution is known for causing significant disturbance to marine wildlife, including migratory species protected under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), such as whales and dolphins, and their prey, according to a report.

Three industrial sectors have the tools to quieten the ocean


The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), an environmental treaty of the United Nations, publishes a technical report to avoid, reduce and mitigate underwater noise pollution prepared by an OceanCare underwater noise expert.

Inuit communities forge a path to sustainable wealth


The territory of Nunavut and many Inuit communities are taking a leadership role by investing in the protection of critical ocean areas in the Arctic.

Water Revolution Foundation announces Ocean Assist Fund for Ocean Conse


The Water Revolution Foundation has announced a new reinvestment fund for the superyacht industry, aimed at ocean conservation. The Ocean Assist Fund plans to promote a new path into nurturing both ocean and human vitality.

World Ocean Day: Blinken encouraged by global progress on conservation


Ocean conservation gained traction as a global concern in the late 1980s after the World Commission on Environment Development noted a lack of attention.

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