Ocean Conservation News – 06/17/2024

Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-scuba-diving-near-fish-18659797/

New AI powered research tool improves marine conservation efforts

The new work is a collaborative effort of a team led by scientists from Wuhan University. Read more here.

Pink dolphins and baby of different species spotted together

Researchers are surprised after seeing a rare baby dolphin swimming with a pod of dolphins different from its own kind in Cambodia. The baby dolphin, which is endangered, belongs to a species called the Irrawaddy. Read more here.

New scheme aims to restore marine environment

Sussex Bay brings together organisations, groups and individuals from along the Sussex coastline who want to help care for coastal habitats. Read more here.

A conservation market could incentivize global ocean conservation

The countries of the world have agreed: Our planet needs more protection from human activity. And with the globe facing an assortment of environmental crises, they realized the plan needed to be ambitious. Read more here.

Panama committed to marine conservation and regenerative tourism to attract tourists

According to the Tourism Promotion Fund (Promtur), these are just some of the reasons why this destination should be on the list of tourists interested in exploring and preserving the beauty of some of the most precious resources on the planet. Read more here.

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