Ocean Conservation News – 06/19/2024

Photo by Enrico Assirelli from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-freediving-in-sea-with-underwater-scooter-13441065/

Up to 80% of threatened and commercial species across European marine protected areas face novel climates under high emission standard

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a critical tool for safeguarding marine species and habitats for the future, though the effects of projected climate change raise concerns about their long-term success. Read more here.

Photo contest launched to promote marine conservation

Supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Việt Nam Administration of Seas and Islands, the contest aims to raise awareness and change the behaviour of local authorities, individuals and businesses regarding plastic use reduction, particularly single-use plastics. Read more here.

Bermuda charity supports ocean conservation campaign

Kim Smith, the executive director for the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce, called on the public to sign an open letter urging the British Government to ratify the UN High Seas Treaty, which would protect the Sargasso Sea.Read more here.

Turning down the volume on ocean noise pollution

Canada’s Ocean Noise Strategy is already three years delayed, and we have an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to marine conservation by prioritizing its timely release. Read more here.

Oregon’s investment in ocean conservation celebrated

New efforts to increase the state’s investment in the Oregon Marine Reserves Program follow the signing ceremony for House Bill 4132, a bi-partisan bill sponsored by Oregon’s Coastal and Environmental Caucuses. Read more here.

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